According to reports, K-12 schools in the United States spend over $8 billion yearly on energy consumption. However, it is unfortunate that around 25% of the energy utilized is being wasted. As a result, administrators and educators are seeking effective strategies to reduce lighting costs. LED lighting has emerged as a viable solution. By adopting energy-efficient measures and implementing LED lighting, several K-12 schools have managed to decrease energy expenses in their facilities by up to 70 percent. This article will explore how LED lighting can help schools cut down on facility costs and improve their lighting systems.
LED Lighting Improving The Future For Schools
In Oklahoma, gymnasiums used yellow flickering lights that took a long time to warm up and made a loud buzzing noise. These lights were not energy-efficient and required constant maintenance, which cost schools a lot of money. Schools have replaced these lights with 150-watt LED UFO fixtures that last at least 50,000 hours and require no maintenance. This means that they will last for more than 20 years. Additionally, schools in Oklahoma have saved over 70 percent on their lighting bills, which equates to significant financial savings. Energy rebates also make these projects cost-effective over time.
LED Lighting Offers Significant Energy Savings
Many schools have saved thousands of dollars annually by upgrading to energy-efficient LED lighting. For instance, some schools in Wisconsin have collectively saved $77,000 per year in energy costs after the local high and middle schools switched to LED lighting. In Ohio, a school district implemented a comprehensive energy improvement project that included advanced energy management programming, Energy Star certifications, and a 150kW solar photovoltaic system. The school district also installed LED interior lighting with district-wide control commissioning, which has resulted in $151,000 in annual electrical savings and reduced maintenance expenses. This upgrade fits teachers, students, and taxpayers and provides superior-quality lighting lasting up to 20 years.
Even Colleges Can Reap The Benefits As Well
According to research, a university in California replaced 5,000 incandescent fixtures in their 275,000-square-foot library with energy-efficient LED lighting luminaires. The new LED system requires one-third fewer kits than the previous one. This upgrade has transformed the library from being the least efficient building on campus to one of the best. It has reduced energy usage by approximately 55 percent, resulting in cost savings of around $100,000. Previously, the library required weekly maintenance to change lightbulbs, costing roughly $15,000 annually. However, the new LED lighting system will last up to 50 years, saving the university approximately $750,000 in maintenance costs over its lifetime.
At Green Way Lighting, we genuinely value the importance of meeting the needs of our customers. Whether you are searching for lighting solutions for your commercial building or residential property, we have the options available to fit all your needs. Reach us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. You can also contact us on our website!